Tuesday, July 3, 2018

It's with great pleasure that I announce to the Blogger community, the release of our new Ebook titled
"International Child Custody and Abduction Law. In this ebook, Krispen Culbertson reviews the varied and tricky areas of international child custody law and abduction law, as it pertains to an 'inter country' abduction matter.

You can find our new ebook at our home page at Culbertson & Associates.

This is a developing area of law as more and more people engage in international travel. There are many different aspects involved when working in this complicated legal arena.

There are the laws of the country you currently live in, the laws of the country where the legal action may possibly take place, the local laws and customs, as well as the statutes and laws enumerated in the Convention for the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction here.

If you are in need of an attorney or legal advice concerning child custody, and especially international child custody; you want to find someone with experience in international legal situations.

Krispen Culbertson is a graduate of Wake Forest University, and attended Oxford University in England during his time in law school. There he studied international law specific to the European Union and it's member countries. Mr Culbertson and his firm have a well of knowledge and experience in international law, including international business law, international child custody and international child abduction and parental abduction.

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