Monday, October 30, 2017

My name is Krispen Culbertson. I'm an attorney in good standing, in Greensboro, NC. I have been in business 25 years, with thousands of successful cases of many different types.

My law office focuses on Family Law, State and Federal Criminal Law, Business litigation, as well as Immigration, Civil and Personal Injury Law.

As in any business, you meet all different kinds of people. Most are just great. Some have major issues going on in their life that I am exposed to. (I am an Attorney after all, people come to me when they have a legal problem)

Our goal is always to minimize a potential clients fears and concerns about any given legal situation. We do this first by exposing them to the facts of the law, surrounding there particular issue.
With straightforward and accurate legal advice, you are better able to put most situations a client might be facing, into a less dire light.

Most of the time, in the end; our clients are happy with the performance of our firm and the outcome they experience. Of course, as in any business; we've had our share of folks who ended up not being very happy about the outcome of their particular case or legal dilemma. We understand that this comes with the territory.

While we do our best to serve each and every client to the best of our abilities, sometimes we just don't meet their expectations, and we accept that as part of doing business.

Even former clients who may have not been happy with our service, in the end; were satisfied we did the best we could with what we were working with.

We aim to finish every relationship happy, or at least amicably.

And so do 99% of our clients.

But every once in a blue moon, you can come across someone who is willing to step over the line to get their point across. Some make threatening calls or direct threats. Some write letters. Than there are the more technologically inclined, who use the internet to try and exact their revenge.

The internet is a great tool,when used properly. But some folks know how to do malicious things with this technology. We have been dealing with one such individual, who insists on harassing us online, in an attempt to malign myself, my family and friends; and my law firm.
So just to let this unfortunate, misdirected individual know I'm not impressed; I've had the story re-released. The story the blackhat spammers don't want you to see. It's old news really,
but no matter how many times they try to block the 'real' story, we'll just re-post.

You can read that original article here.

You can also find the article on Scribd here: Krispen Culbertson, Attorney-Acquitted of Wrongdoing If your not a fan of Sribd, or somehow cannot access that website. You can also find the article over here at Slideshare: Krispnen Culbertson, Attorney-Acquitted of Wrongdoing
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned; I'll be updating our progress here as we go along.